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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Persepolis Ancient City - Iran

Persepolis Iran Ancient City

Persepolis is a wonder in the middle of the Valley 40 km from Shiraz. To get here could be not that simple unless you're willing to pay a lot with this private taxi that will take you at least 4000% plus the original price of the whole trip.

Persepolis is a palace and tombs complex from the 5century BC and was house of Emperous like Darius I and
Xerxes. In this complex you still can see historical engravings and ancent writings with the big things made by the ancient empire.

Darius I had his reception hall in the Palace of 100 Columns and consist in the biggest palace of whole Achaemenian period and has the largest hall of the ancient city of Persepolis it self.

Persepolis was a huge complex of palacies and tombs that was only build after 150 years since it started. It was the centre of the Persian Empire and the house of ancient Achaemenid Empire. This was a very victorious Empire and you can see many sculptures and engravings that still today resist to show us the rich hitory of this place.

You can notice many palacies that have many columns still standing after lots of restauration.
Persepolis was burn down by Alexander the Great in 331BC some historians say in retaliation of Xerxes burning Athens.

You have in the area, at least 2 huge tombs, the Tomb of Darius and the tombs of Xerxes which consist in this big monument carved on the hill facade with at least 20 metres high.

Persepolis is a must to visit while coming to Iran. Altough you'll find lots of tourists, even lots of Iranian tourists, you still have to consider spending a couple of hours or a whole half day in this complex. I went in early morning to see If i got less tourist there. Nice choice.

Persepolis Ancient CIty Iran
How to get there
Get a bus from Shiraz direction Marv Dersh and from here take a taxi (6km) to the Persepolis complex.

Bus 2500Rials
taxi 3000Rials (they will ask you for 10000/20000, but you have to know how to deal this. Locals pay 1500/2000 so 3000 will be a good deal for them.


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