Travel Info Photos and Stories

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Esfahan Emam Square & Shiraz City - Iran August 2004

Esfahan Emam Square

Esfahan nesf-é jahan or Esfahan is half of the world was usually said back 16th century to relate word to its magnificence. In fact for me, while travelling in this country enjoyed it very much due to its relaxed ambience that I could find has much in the hurry streets of other cities I visited. I remember I walked very much all around the city and enjoyed it very much.

A must in the city is the Emam Square, one of the largest town squares in the world and a place where you will have to drink tea in one of the square tea houses and enjoy the amazing view of this wonderful square considered by some the most beautiful in the whole world. This is the square I have on the picture above.

Other nice attraction in the city is the medieval bridge and other nice parks.

Esfahan is 400km South of Tehran and can be reached from the capital by bus or by train. Transportation in Iran is one of the easiest in the World, nice BUS system and nice roads.


Emam Square in Esfahan


Shiraz stays in my trip, between Bandar Abbas and the Persian Gulf and Esfahan. As I had to stop here to go to Persepolis Ancient city, I discover it to have very nice things that would make my staying very nice.

Its big main Bazaar is a must and I actually spend lots of money in some big panel made of cloth hand made ones and some scarves.

Shiraz was one of the important cities in the medieval Islamic world for Iran and was actually the Iranian capital during the Zand dynasty between 1747 and 1779.

Nowadays it head of state city ambiance was lost but still some castles can be seen and big avenues can be enjoys I think. I remember walking a lot in this city also. Shiraz is 900km south of Tehran and can be reached by train or by bus also by plain from Tehran.


Old City in Shiraz


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